Canine Anxiety

Dogs have anxiety too!

Anxiety affects almost 3 out of 4  dogs.  And the traditional medications prescribed by veterinarians have many side effects that down owners don’t like.  The CBD retail business for pets has exploded due to the lack of a safe and effective prescription or OTC drug for dogs.

Canine Anxiety Statistics

The standard prescribed drugs for osteoarthritis in dogs are not preferred by most dog owners, as the drugs are not effective enough and/or have too many negative side effects such as lethargy, irregularities in heart rate, increased levels of anxieties/stress levels, bowel and urinary changes, vomiting, reduced muscle control, lowered blood pressure, and weakness.

A safe and effective therapeutic for dogs to help with anxiety is greatly needed.  Irvine Labs has developed a botanical medication for dogs that has shown in field studies to be very safe and effective and preferred by dog owners.  Irvine Labs is in pivotal studies with the FDA Center for Veterinary Medicine to get this product approved by the FDA and available for veterinarians and dog owners to treat their pets.